Monday, April 23, 2012

Cambodian-​Australian​s and Their Strong Ties to Cambodia

23 April 2012
By Mu Sochua

A very moving visit with Cambodian-Australians to celebrate Khmer New Year as well as listening to what our compatriots have to say about democracy in Cambodia.

The first wave of Cambodian refugees reached Australia around the early 1980's, with a few who went there as students.

Among those early refugees where those families I met and assisted when working in Khoa-I-Dang camp and the camps along the Cambodian/Thai border. Many sweet memories, many hours trying to catch up with our lives in the past two decades or more.

I am very moved by the determination of each family in building a new life in their new home. Australian social security system and other public services give the refugee community the needed support and hope.

I am also very moved by our people's close relationship with their relatives back in Cambodia. They have not and will not let go their Khmer heritage.

Surely, our people in Australia are benefiting from the true sense of democracy in Australia and that freedom that comes with democracy is what we discussed at each gathering.

I was very encouraged to see how connected Cambodian-Australians, like Cambodians outside of Cambodia are connected to news back home. All this thanks to independent media.

The Sam Rainsy Party in Australia is solid and growing.
Mrs MU SOCHUA ( SRP Party) visiting Australia - B/C Mond 12/4/12

21 April 2012
SBS Australia (Khmer)

In this interview, Mrs Mu Sochua, Member of Parliament & Former Minister for Women and Veterans' Affairs of the Kingdom of Cambodia answered our questions about combating the tragedies of human trafficking, the problems facing Cambodian maids working in Malaysia, the future of Mr Sam Rainsy and so on.

Click the control below to listen to the interview:


Anonymous said...

now, cambodia tantamounts to reforms, later on perhaps, it will be more of an upgrade or renovate and so forth. i noted ms. mu sochua's background was of social work, thus, i can gree what cambodia needs and wants now and future to come is a kind of "social security system and other forms of public services" that can give support and hope for cambodian people in general. it think it is the lack of this system we all taken for granted when we need help once in a while in the western world that desparately needed to proliferate in cambodia now and future to come. cambodia needs all of this system in place to boost khmer people's morality, hope and act like an incentive for people to gain trust and confidence in the gov't of cambodia. yes, cambodia seems ignorant of this system or maybe we had the system before going back before the civil war and the KR era, and perhaps it was destroyed. well, cambodia needs it again so people in cambodia can go for help if they needed. of course, there ought to be a system of qualification, etc like in the western society in order for people not to take advantage of the system as it should be created to help, not to be taken advantage of and it this public assistance shouldn't be permanent income for people, only to help them out of poverty and other disadvantaged background and so forth. well, ms mu sochua was in the social work background, she knows what i'm talking about here. anyway, i think this is what cambodian gov't ought to look into if they really want to help their people out of poverty into the productive workplace. it sounded difficult in the beginning, but i think once the system get going, it will be alright.

for me, it is what cambodia lack of that other countries taken for granted that ought to be looked into so that cambodian society can benefit from the same system or similar system. i always say look for solution, not create problem or obstacle in cambodia, really! and i'm sure anybody with the strong will and good educational experience can do to help make a real difference for all in cambodia, i.e., if they are not selfish or evil or greedy or discriminate or prejudice or bias, or ignorant, etc, you name it.

Anonymous said...

for khmer person like me, it's about having choices that's important in khmer society today.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Mu Sochua, is she Christian or Buddhist? Education and training of intellectual?

Anonymous said...

12:18 AM is still Dumb Hun Sen's cocksucker who is still blah blah blah ... so opinionated for nothing.

When will the cocksucker of Hun Sen's black cock change and think straight forward?

Anonymous said...

Mu Sochua and Sam Ransy កំពុងធ្វើនយោបាយបង្រ្គប់កិច្ចអោយគណៈបក្សប្រជាជន ដើម្បីទុកឱកាសអោយយួនចូលមកលេបយកកម្ពុជាធ្វើជាសហព័ន្ធឥណ្ឌូចិន!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How patronising.

Kuoy Pichet

Anonymous said...

សូមខ្មែរអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិនៅរដ្ឋឡូហ្វែលនិងបងប្អូនខ្មែរស្នេហាជាតិនៅរដ្ឋដ៏ទៃទៀតនាំគ្នាងើបឡើងប្រឆាំងពួក ah CHEA SARUN ,នាំគ្នាប្តឹងទៅរដ្ឋាភិបាល OBAMA ,សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិកអំពីសកម្មភាពរបស់ពួកវាដែលកំពុងតែធ្វើ VIETCONG COMMUNISM POLITIC នៅក្នុងប្រទេសសេរី (USA) របស់យើង, បើយើងមិននាំគ្នាប្តឹងទៅពួកគេទេនោះ រដ្ឋាភិបាលមេរិករបស់យើងពិតជាមិនបានដឹងពីសកម្មភាពរបស់ពួកអាកុម្មុយនីស្តយួន HO CHI MINH ,VIETCONG ឡើយ! ដូច្នេះយើងជាកូនខ្មែរដែលចង់អោយទឹកដីរបស់យើងនៅគង់វង្សទៅថ្ងៃអនាគត់នោះ យើងមិនត្រូវព្រងើយកន្តើយជាដាច់ខាត!!!! បរាជ័យពួកអា CHEA SARUN ជនកុម្មុយនីស្ត-កញ្ជៈយួននៅស្រុកខ្មែរនិងនៅឡូហ្វែល!!!!!

ជាពិសេសអា Ambassador HEM HENG !